The Second Workshop on Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2023)
The purpose of this interdisciplinary workshop is to facilitate discussion around writing assistants, thereby enhancing our understanding of their usage in writing process and predicting the consequences. To this end, we strive to bring together researchers from the human-computer interaction (HCI) and natural language processing (NLP) communities by alternating our workshop venue between HCI and NLP every year.
This year, the workshop will consist of two parts. In the first part, to understand the landscape of writing support tools, participants will collaboratively create a taxonomy of writing assistants. In the second part, based on topical categories identified during the first part, participants will collectively discuss the current status of writing assistants and potential research agendas.
This year the workshop will be held on Sunday, 23rd April at CHI 2023 in Hamburg, Germany.
The workshop will be in-person only.
~*~ Accepted Papers ~*~
⬇️ Examples of new forms of human-machine collaborative writing. ⬇️

Integrative Leaps
(Singh et al., ToCHI 2022)

(Yuan et al., IUI 2022)

Beyond Text Generation
(Dang et al., UIST 2022)

(Mirowski et al., arxiv 2022)
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 23 February, 2023 11:59PM AoE (no extensions!) -
Paper acceptance notification: 6 March, 2023 - Workshop date: 23 April, 2023
Tentative Schedule
Timezone: Central European Standard Time (Hamburg, Germany) -
Time | Event |
09:00-09:30AM | Welcome and ice breaker activity |
09:30-10:45 | Lightning talks |
10:45-11:00 | Coffe break |
11:00-12:00PM | Panel |
12:00-01:30 | Lunch break |
01:30-03:30 | Taxonomy creation |
03:30-04:00 | Coffee break |
03:30-04:45 | Taxonomy creation cont. |
04:45-05:00 | Wrap up: community building and future work |
You can contact the organizers by emailing in2writing.workshop@gmail.com.